Monday 2 July 2012

Cultural Mela at Anee’s School

Published on: Sat, Apr 21st, 2012

Anee’s School organised a cultural Mela to give real information of their culture and heritage to its students.At  this  occasion Mr Aneet  Goel , Chairman ,Anee’s group of  Schools ,was Chief guest .The main motive of this fair was to give real picture of our diminishing culture so that they can keep in touch with their culture and heritage.To represent their culture children presented different  scenes of villages on stage , homes of villages Apart from that scene of marriage, festivals  and many more  enchanting scenes were staged to represent the real picture of culture and tradition of the region .

Different kind of traditional games were also played by pupils which are almost forgotten by the youngsters in this high-tech world where PSPO and video games has taken place of these traditional games . These games were entertaining and fascinating for students as well as spectators  .To enhance the beauty, scene of vasakhi was enacted and punjabi  folk dance bhangra and gidda was also performed.

On this occasion Principal of the school Ms. Harpreet Grewal said that Culture of Punjab is incredible and primitive .It is not good for us that youngsters of  today are forgetting their culture ,which was adopted by many others nations  .She further added modernism is need of the time but  modernism  and tradition should go hand in hand to progress if tradition is forgotten by any  country  then it may lost its we should keep  our children in touch  with our tradition and culture and this was an effort towards this issue .

Mr. Aneet  Goyal also lauded efforts of  students and teachers and was delighted to see that students of Anee’ s  school are modern but are in touch with their heritage and culture.

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